ARI simplifies driver performance analysis with Driver Scorecard

By / 9 years ago / News / No Comments

The ARI Driver Scorecard is designed to allow fleet and safety managers to process various indicators of skills (based on the priorities of the organisation) into one simple average score.

“With this tool, drivers can easily compare themselves to their peers,” explained Rich Radi, director of the ARI Global Driver Excellence Program. “Everyone wants to excel at what they do, so we work with our clients to tap into this part of human nature and encourage better driving habits across the board.” 

The ARI Driver Scorecard is able to pull data from numerous sources including telematics providers, accident claims, fuel history, MVR reports, violations and more to rank each driver with an overall score. The breadth of the tool’s measurement ability is only limited by the number of compatible tools already integrated into the fleet. 

“Our score is like a batting average, the fairest way to compare one baseball player’s performance to another,” added Tony Candeloro, vice president, customer information systems and product development. “After looking at just one number, fleet or safety managers can take immediate action to improve high risk drivers in their fleet and recognize those showing consistently good, safe driving behavior. Once those on the low end of the scale have corrected their behaviors, they can raise the bar and work toward even better performance.” 

As a part of the overall ARI Global Driver Excellence program, the ARI Driver Scorecard monitors drivers for infractions, collisions, risk levels, fuel usage and many more critical driving behaviour data points. The ARI Global Driver Excellence program currently takes a three-prong approach to improving driver safety through proactive accident prevention, active driving monitoring and post-accident response.

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Katie Beck

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