Countdown begins to 2017 European Day without a Road Death
TISPOL, the network of European traffic police forces, has announced details for the 2017 European Day without a Road Death (Project EDWARD), which will take place on Thursday 21 September.
This year’s Project EDWARD which will take place on Thursday 21 September.
This year’s event will bring a brand-new dedicated Project EDWARD website with new resources, including artwork images and infographics available to download free of charge, as well as the launch of a new Twitter account to build up to the day.
The website will also feature a brand new pledge to sign and TISPOL is also launching a video pledge for 2017, with individuals, groups and organisations able to record and send their video pledges, which will be shared on the website and across social media.
Although TISPOL hasn’t released driver casualty information for Project EDWARD 2016, it says the event significantly raised road safety awareness, with #ProjectEDWARD trending on Twitter in many countries and – for a short time – in the top 50 trending topics globally.
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