DAF 3D online truck configurator to cut lead times
DAF Trucks has launched a new tool that enables operators to configure any conceivable truck and chassis variant online in 3D view to streamline orders.
DAF Trucks’ online configurator provides a 360-degree view
Available in all DAF Trucks markets via the websites, the new 3D DAF Truck Configurator displays all available axle configurations and cab variants, using original design source files to ensure 100% accuracy. It also enables the exact positioning and review of components such as fuel tanks, after-treatment and battery boxes, and includes all possible factory options.
The tool enables the configured truck to be shared directly with the dealer and the bodybuilder, thereby reducing lead times. It also ensures that the virtual truck can be rotated 360 degrees during the online specification process, making it possible to check immediately whether the chosen chassis, cab and options provide the optimal choice for the application and potential superstructure.
The operator can also send the chosen configuration directly to the DAF dealer for a “competitive” offer.