Future is on side of range extenders, says BF Forecasts
So says BF Forecasts, following last week’s Geneva Motor Show, which saw the unveiling of a number of e-mobility solutions, including hybrid supercars.
Commenting on the latest e-mobility trends, Dieter Fess, managing director of BF Forecasts, pointed out that there have not been the drastic changes to charging times and pricing for electric vehicles that have been called for, nor the widespread establishment of charging stations.
He said: ‘If there is no pressure from the market and/or no pressure through governmental directives (just like it used to be in California), the future is on the side of range-extenders. Not range extenders that are only capable of coming up with a range of 15 miles but range extenders, at least of the sort of an Ampera, which may have a range of 45 miles and even more.’
He added: ‘Within the next two years we will see a large variety of these cars coming from the premium makes and sooner or later being offered by almost every manufacturer, in order to save emissions and showing high residual values.’
However, Mr Fess also acknowledged that there will be no single dominant eco technology solution, commenting: ‘But we will also see a renaissance of LPG-powered cars, as a result of substantially increasing fuel prices. Meanwhile, hydraulic fracturing may have the reverse effect, in the US particularly. Due to this the driving force for change in the automotive industry, the high petrol prices, will decrease, at least in the States. But because the US are still one of the most important markets in the world this will have an impact on the speed of development with regard on future engines.’
He concluded: ‘So, the technological landscape will change significantly, and rapidly, in the next couple of years and where there is change there is also risk. As manufacturers struggle ever more desperately to gain market share, which ones will back the right horse, to mix our metaphors? After the hype is before the hype!’
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