NAFA session to cover variances in European & global fleet practices

By / 12 years ago / News / No Comments

NAFA’s 3rd Annual International Fleet Academy is a three-day conference designed specifically to meet the unique needs of those who manage fleets of vehicles outside of the United States and Canada. 

The conference will take place 21-23 October 2013 at Loews Ventana Canyon in Tucson, Arizona and will include a session on “Differences Among the World: Europe, China, Mexico, Brazil, Australia”. In addition, the conference contains over 15 additional sessions, including topics such as tax issues around the globe, aligning suppliers in multiple countries, the international RFI-RFQ process, and understanding and managing a fleet’s Total Cost of Operation. 

‘One of the most interesting sessions features global fleet managers sharing their personal "war stories" of going through the process of harmonising their fleet process and creating a global fleet operation,’ said NAFA’s executive director, Phillip E Russo. ‘It’s a session that will surely provide real-life value the attendees can bring back to their office for implementation.’

In addition to the educational sessions, NAFA’s International Fleet Academy offers exclusive networking opportunities and a cocktail reception and dinner each night. Registration costs are $799 for NAFA members and $1,550 for non-members. Fleet professionals may save $200 off the registration costs by joining NAFA as they register.

Attendees receive several value-added educational items to take back to the office including a ready-to-use executive summary; free subscription to International Fleet World magazine; the newly published NAFA’s Global Fleet Guide; and valuable checklists for policies, RFIs, and RFQs. All total, it’s a resource package valued at $2,500.

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