US and German automakers agree on standardised EV charging technology

By / 13 years ago / News / No Comments

Electric vehicles belonging to Ford, Audi, BMW, Daimler, Chrysler, General Motors, Volkswagen and Porsche will all share compatibility with the combined charging technology, that integrates both slower and ultra-fast AC and DC charging through one unit, making it an appealing proposition for both business and domestic use.

The combined charging system is the first real attempt by automakers to provide consumers and businesses with a standardised EV charging infrastructure – helping to speed up the adoption of such vehicles and to lower their affordability.

Many Japanese automakers which currently utilise CHAdeMO charging technology, including Toyota, Nissan and Mitsubishi, have all agreed to stick to this as their shared charging platform. Currently used by the LEAF, the CHAdeMO platform is all but likely to rival the combined charging proposal as "charger of choice" for the foreseeable future. 

ACEA has confirmed that the combined charging interface will be used for all EV's launched in Europe beyond 2017. 


Added by: Luke Durkin 
New Media Editor

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