European police officers to run week-long speed campaign

By / 12 years ago / News / No Comments

The operation, co-ordinated by the European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL), will see a number of speed detection methods employed across all types of road.

The operation is intended to remind drivers of the benefits for all road users of driving at legal and appropriate speeds.   

A similar TISPOL operation in August 2012 saw a total of more than 554,000 detections in 25 countries across Europe.   

‘We urge all drivers to challenge their own attitude to speeding,’ says TISPOL President Koen Ricour.  ’Anyone who still believes that speeding is a trivial offence needs to think again. That’s because excessive or inappropriate speed has a singularly devastating impact on the safety of road users, increasing both the risk of a crash and the severity of the consequences.   

‘It is estimated that speeding contributes to as many as one third of all crashes resulting in death, and is the most important contributory factor to road deaths and serious injuries (ETSC 2008).

 ‘All across Europe this week, police officers will be ensuring that drivers respect the different speed limits. In cases where drivers choose to ignore these limits, officers will take appropriate steps to enforce the law.’  

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