Key appointment for Cap HPI in Germany
Cap HPI has appointed Max Robert Mueller as future car value manager for Germany in line with its plans for global expansion.
Max Mueller, Cap HPI’s future car value manager for Germany
Mr Mueller, who has previously held senior roles at AutoVistaGroup and EurotaxGlass’s, will work closely with relevant sector areas of the German automotive market together with the company’s wider team of analysts to provide forecast analysis of the local market.
The automotive data analysis has run used values and forecasting data services in Germany and France since September 2017, with Italy, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands due to be added to the product offering this year.
Dylan Setterfield, international forecast manager at Cap HPI, said of Mr Mueller’s appointment: “Max is a key addition to the team and his appointment has already had a significant impact, boosting our service offering in Germany considerably. He brings a wealth of valuable insight and experience of the market which will prove crucial as Cap HPI expansion gathers apace, especially in Germany, a key international territory for the business.
“Having worked with some key players in the sector, Max’s knowledge and passion for the business means we have a first-class German-based market expert at the forefront of our forecasting function, helping to deliver our ongoing international rollout.”