New Hydrogen Mobility Europe project launched to kick-start hydrogen cars market
The Hydrogen Mobility Europe project (H2ME) has been co-funded with €32m from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking and will look to deploy 200 FCEVs, 125 fuel cell range-extended electric commercial vans and 29 new hydrogen refuelling stations in 10 countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK) by 2019.
The consortium, led by Element Energy, includes carmakers such as Daimler, SymbioFCell, Hyundai, Honda, Intelligent Energy, Nissan and infrastructure providers including Air Liquide, BOC, H2Logic and ITM Power along with Cenex and WaterstofNet.
The original agreements for the project were signed in July this year and the project has already delivered the first vehicles to customers in France and Germany through Daimler and SymbioFCell.
Ben Madden, director at Element Energy and overall coordinator said: “H2ME will allow a widespread demonstration of the readiness of the technology, as well as developing valuable insights about the early customer experience and practical challenges of a widespread roll-out of the technology.”
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