PSA Peugeot Citroen lose out to Volkswagen as French sales plummit
Total sales in march fell to 23.5% (197,033), while commercial vehicle sales also dropped by 12.2% (36,493) in March on the same period last year.
Deliveries for both French automakers also fell, with PSA Peugeot Citroen recording a 33% fall on last year's figures (59,290), whilst Renault similarly witnessed a 30% decline (42,908).
Sales of German automaker Volkswagen, fell rather modestly in comparison to its French rivals by 11.9% as well as seeing market share figures rise to 14% from last year's 11.2%.
Overall, a strong performance from Volkswagen throughout March. Bernard Cambier, Renault's commercial director for France admitted that the fall in French auto sales were somewhat unforeseen.
He said: 'Overall, the auto market is falling a bit more than people had predicted. But generally, we remain fixed on a decline of the order of 10 percent in the market in 2012.'
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