Cap HPI ramps up investment in data and insight
Due to the predicted exponential growth of the automotive industry’s use of data, Cap HPI has doubled the size of its data and product development teams to meet demand over the next decade.
Chris Wright, managing director of Cap HPI
In addition, Cap HPI has invested in new industry experts for its UK and European valuation services. Staff numbers at the firm now number 350 compared to 160 18 months ago.
Chris Wright, managing director of Cap HPI said: “We have identified 54 critical transactions, from vehicle acquisition and protection of the asset to maintenance and ultimate replacement. Key points where smart data is essential.”
The company recently launched a car appraisal tool that integrates valuations into an app, available on iOS and Android tablets. The app provides repair pricing specific to each company in real-time in addition to vehicle details being automatically populated in the appraisal report by entering a registration or VIN.
Mr Wright added: “The industry will see greater data integration from Cap HPI. A single login that provides you with all the relevant information and insight you need to do the job effectively. The data will be available anytime and on any device.”
As part of its global plans Cap HPI has teams in France, Slovakia and Germany operating across Europe.